Does IOSH Managing Safely Expire? | Validity, Expiry Dates & Refresher Info
There are various reasons as to why you and your staff should take the IOSH Managing Safely.
Many companies use the globally respected IOSH Managing Safely course as essential health and safety training for staff, demonstrating to all stakeholders the importance of a safe working environment. Staff are confident to assess and control hazards and risks in their workplace and are more motivated to improve their workplace culture. Companies benefit from greater productivity less disruption and an enhanced reputation within the supply chain.
How Long Does the IOSH Managing Safely Certificate Last?
One of the most common questions professionals ask when thinking about studying the IOSH Managing Safely training course or have already completed it, is if there is an expiration date on the certification, the IOSH Managing Safely Certificate does not have an expiry date!
However, IOSH do recommend that you take the IOSH Managing Safely Refresher course every three years to keep your knowledge up to date.
Why is it Important to Refresh the IOSH Managing Safely?
In the fast changing world of work, legislation, management systems, good practice is constantly being updated to reflect and improve on how we work safely and effectively today.
Similar to any safety course, the syllabus of the IOSH Managing Safely certificate will be updated every few years but fundamentally, everybody needs to refresh their knowledge of how to work safely. IOSH Managing Safely will provide you with the necessary skills such as completing a risk assessment, investigating incidents and measuring performance correctly. These are critical mechanisms to sustain a successful and effective health and safety system.
Staff equipped with this knowledge will enable companies to protect their staff, operate to a high performance without disruption caused by accidents and illness.
When Should I Take the IOSH Managing Safely Refresher?
It is highly recommended by IOSH that you study the IOSH Managing Safely Refresher course ideally around three years after taking your full IOSH Managing Safely course. However this is not mandatory. Ultimately it is always good practice to stay up-to-date with new regulations and systems.
Benefits of the IOSH Managing Safely Refresher: For Learners and Employers
The IOSH Managing Safely Refresher is a short 6-8 hour course, designed to refresh your knowledge of the key parts of the full IOSH Managing Safely course.
The IOSH Managing Safely Refresher supports professionals:
- Reviews the Plan-Do-Check-Act Model,
- Evaluate the application of current health and safety management principles and
- Revisit the importance of leadership in effectively managing risk.
IOSH Managing Safely Refresher gives you renewed confidence and the practical skills and knowledge to carry out your responsibilities efficiently.
The Refreshers provides employers with the peace of mind that their staff is up to date with their health and safety knowledge, being confident that their leadership team is capable of supporting the organisation champion HSE excellence.
If you want more information on the IOSH Managing Safely course, take a look at the course page by clicking the button below.